Saturday, February 13, 2010

Great ideas!

Got a great product idea or suggestion?

We appreciate your interest in sharing your idea with us. Post your idea here and let's discuss it.

Let's do the NeoClub member voting and implement your idea.

It can be anything. Let's make the dreams come true!

Online orders

In order to make Internet trade easier and more secure, we have taken several steps.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Quality of the products

Over the last year we have heard many rumors, doubts and concerns about the quality of the products that are available on the market.


Competitions are available ONLY for NeoClub members.

About NeoClub and NeoCode

NeoClub is a programm that we have developed for you to be a part of the NeoTeam.


Dear Friend!

Thank you for joining us. You are most welcome to read our posts, comments, share your ideas, opinions and ask questions.

Please let us know what you think about NeoCube. Share your vision of the NeoMania and become a part of the NeoClub.

What is the NeoCube [NeoKubs] ?

Hey, there! Thank you for joining.
I hope you know what a NEO Cube is. In case you don't, here is a simple description for you: